Xanthelasma laser removal
Removal of various skin neoplasms is the main reason for referrals to Esteva Clinic aesthetic medicine and dermatology center. Such procedures are carried out in comfortable conditions using the most modern equipment.
In this article, we will consider how to remove xanthelasma – one of the types benign formations.
What is xanthelasma
Xanthelasma are spots or plaques that have a yellow tint. The term itself comes from the fusion of two Greek words – xanthos (yellow) and elasma (plate). The formation is a type of xanthoma and is most often formed on the upper and lower eyelids (usually closer to the corner of the eye). The nature of xanthelasma can be different: formations can be soft or semi-hard, flat or bumpy. Also, formations often progress, merge together or grow into deeper layers of the skin.
By its structure, xanthelasma is a deposit of lipids, mainly cholesterol. Half of the patients with similar formations on the skin have elevated cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as other abnormalities in the lipidogram.
Factors that increase the likelihood of xanthelasma formation on the skin:
◼ overweight;
◼ high cholesterol;
◼ diabetes and insulin resistance;
◼ hypertension;
◼ family history of xanthelasma;
◼ bad habits (especially smoking).
Also, xanthelasma can appear on the body as a side reaction to taking any drugs.
Since the problem of xanthelasma on the skin is not exclusively aesthetic, a doctor’s examination and passing all the necessary tests is a mandatory part of the treatment process. Only with such a comprehensive approach to the problem can you count on a long-term result.
Xanthelasma removal
Xanthelasma removal should begin with an appointment with a dermatologist. To do this, simply click on the “Contact Us” or “Contact Button” button. At the individual consultation, the dermatologist conducts a careful examination of the patient and selects the optimal removal option for each specific situation.
Esthetic medicine and dermatology clinic Esteva Clinic is ready to help you solve this unpleasant problem. Our specialists have many years of experience in removing various neoplasms on the skin. To achieve the best result, only the most effective techniques are used, which we describe in detail below.
Should xanthelasma be removed
Xanthelasma are benign formations that cannot turn into a malignant form. Therefore, there is no obligation to remove them. However, irregularities and spots on the face can bring significant discomfort to a person, and it is in this case that it is necessary to contact an experienced specialist to remove xanthelasma.
What is the best way to remove xanthelasma
The two most popular and effective removal methods are laser and radio wave.
Sometimes several sessions may be required to remove the tumor. This happens if xanthelasma lies in the deeper layers of the skin.
◼ Radio wave method
Xanthelasma can be removed using the radio wave method quickly and without much discomfort. The method consists in the use of radio waveswhich do not affect the surrounding skin and are safe for humans. After the procedure, rapid healing is noted, and the risk of scarring and scarring is minimal. To remove the formation in a similar way, anesthesia is used, in this case there are no pain sensations. If the xanthelasma lies deeper than 2 mm, sometimes several procedures (most often two) are required for a good aesthetic result. The radio wave method refers to the gold standard for the removal of neoplasms.
◼ Laser
The use of a laser is a non-contact and non-traumatic method of cutting and coagulation of tissues. Removal of changed skin takes place at a depth of up to 2 mm. When using this method, local anesthesia is usually used to minimize pain in the patient. The method of laser removal of xanthelasma belongs to the additional method of removal of neoplasms.
You can evaluate the result of removal of neoplasms received by patients of the Esteva clinic in the photo below.
We wrote more about how various skin neoplasms are removed at Esteva Clinic in the article “Removal of benign skin neoplasms“, and also told in the video.
Contraindications to xanthelasma removal
Before the procedure, the doctor will ask you about the presence of health problems and possible contraindications. Those who have: should refuse to delete
◼ diabetes in the stage of decompensation;
◼ acute inflammatory and infectious diseases.
It is also necessary for women during pregnancy and lactation to postpone the removal.
Do xanthelasma go away by themselves
It will not be possible to get rid of xanthelasma without the help of an experienced specialist, because these formations do not have a tendency to dissolve. On the contrary, they can only increase in number or size.
It should be emphasized separately that it is impossible to remove xanthelasma at home. Such experiments with the skin can end very badly: for example, the formation of scars or the introduction of an infection into the body. So that such home cosmetology procedures do not end in additional problems, trust a certified dermatologist.
What to do after xanthelasma removal
In order for the healing process to take place in the best way and after getting rid of xanthelasma, you do not have unpleasant consequences in the form of scars or spots, you must strictly follow all the recommendations of the doctor.
After the removal of xanthelasma with the help of a laser or radio waves, a crust will form in the place of the former tumor after a few days. It is strictly not recommended to touch and even more so to peel it in order to minimize the risk of scarring the skin in this place. Such a crust falls off by itself in 1.5-2 weeks.
It is also not recommended to apply any medicinal products to the skin in the place of the procedure. Any medications you use must be approved by the doctor who performed the removal.
You should also not apply make-up on the wounds or use any care cosmetics.
How to prevent xanthelasma in the future
In order to avoid the appearance of neoplasms again, it is necessary to pass all tests and understand the causes of skin problems. After analyzing all the received data, the doctor will be able to prescribe vitamins and drugs that will help bring the body back to normal.
However, we should not forget that the lifestyle is also very closely related to the condition of the skin. In order to reduce the risks and not engage in the removal of xanthelasma in the future, it is necessary:
◼ lead an active lifestyle, engage in sufficient physical activity;
◼ give up bad habits, especially smoking;
◼ not to engage in self-medication and not to take vitamins or medicines that were not prescribed by a doctor;
◼ carefully monitor the skin and use only the right cosmetics. If you have difficulty choosing care cosmetics, consult a cosmetologist.
How much does it cost to remove xanthelasma
Actual prices for xanthelasma removal procedures can be found in the table below.
Видалення ксантелазми
Назва процедури | Ціна, грн |
Консультація дерматолога обов’язкова | 590 |
Контроль після видалення з 30 по 45 день після видалення | Безкоштовно |
Видалення ксантелазми до 7 мм 1 шт | 1490 |
Видалення ксантелазми до 7 мм 2 шт | 2500 |