What you need to know about new skin growths

Every person faces various neoplasms on the skin at least a few times in a lifetime. Since this problem is very common, and formations can cause not only aesthetic discomfort, but also be dangerous for health, every adult should know the basic information on this topic.

What you need to know about new skin growths

In this article, we will consider what neoplasms on the skin are like, as well as how the diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms in clinics proceed.

Types of neoplasms on the skin

In modern medicine, all formations that can occur on any integument are divided into three large groups:
◼   benign – these are precisely the formations with which the clinic of aesthetic medicine and dermatology Esteva Clinic works effectively. Such elements in themselves do not threaten health and are often unpleasant only from an aesthetic point of view. However, under the influence of environmental factors or constant mechanical impact, even such formations can become problematic for health;
◼   precancerous – formations that have a greater or lesser risk of turning into cancer;
◼   malignant – skin cancer is the most common type of cancer. Problems arise most often in those areas of the skin that are regularly exposed to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet light.

Only qualified doctors know how to distinguish benign skin neoplasms from malignant ones. It is the doctor who can determine the nature of the formation, how exactly it is necessary to behave with it, whether it can be removed and what is the best way to do it.

Types of benign skin neoplasms that are most often found in people:

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Moles (nevi)Congenital or acquired with age formations that are overflowing with melanin pigment. It is due to this pigment that moles can be from almost colorless to black. Outwardly, they are spots, tubercles or nodules on the skin. Most often, moles are benign neoplasms of the skin, but degeneration of the formation into melanoma is also possible. Therefore, moles need to be monitored and examined regularlyThey are found on various areas of the skin, including the palms and soles.
PapillomasSmall outgrowths of the upper layer of the skin or mucous membrane, located on a thin stalk and have a cylindrical shape. Most often, the color does not differ from the color of the skin, but can also acquire various shades of brown. The reason for the appearance of such benign formations is the human papillomavirus (HPV), more than 100 strains of which have been found.They occur most often in the neck, armpits and genitals, but can form anywhere on the body.
Seborrheic keratomasThe most common type of tumor, especially among people over 40 years of age. The number of these benign skin tumors can vary from a few to a couple of dozen. The color varies from light yellow to dark brown, seborrheic keratomas are rough to the touch and have horny cysts on their surface.They are localized most often on the face, scalp, chest and back.
AngiomasVascular formations that appear on the skin in the form of small red spots. Such benign skin lesions occur in 80% of people in various parts of the body. Angiomas are especially common on the skin of older people whose capillaries have lost their elasticity.They can be localized on the abdomen, back, arms, legs, face, neck and scalp.
Stellate hemangiomasA dense red nodule of a small size, from which vascular capillaries diverge to the sides.Most often localized on the face, neck.
Viral wartsHorny dense and dry elevations with an uneven villous surface. The size can reach 1 cm or more, often merge into large plaques. The color may be flesh, greyish or brown.Most often localized on the hands and feet, knees, elbows, can also be on the torso, face and scalp.
DermatofibromaFibrous nodule, which most often appears on the skin of the lower leg. The size can be from 0.5 to 15 cm in diameter. The color is both light pink and various shades of brown.They are localized more often on the legs and hips, back and shoulders, less often on other parts of the body.

Reasons for the appearance of a new growth on the skin

Modern researchers still do not know what causes the majority of benign skin neoplasms. Some of them can be caused by a genetic predisposition (for example, freckles and birthmarks), and something is provoked by exposure to chemicals or radiation.

The most common cause of acne on the skin is an infection on the surface of each integument or directly in the body itself. One such example is the human papilloma virus, which we have already talked about above. HPV is transmitted from person to person through direct contact. Herpes is transmitted in the same way.

There are also cases of systemic infection, resulting in skin lesions of the entire body. An example of such a lesion is chickenpox or shingles. Also, formations on the skin can be the result of an allergic reaction (allergic eczema and contact dermatitis).

There are also diseases that provoke the formation of education. For example, skin sensitivity may increase with poor blood circulation and diabetes.

Which doctor to go to with skin problems

If there are any formations on the skin, it is necessary to make an appointment with a dermatologist. It may also be necessary to consult an oncologist if the formation is not completely benign.

It is especially important to consult a specialist if the formations increase in size and shape, begin to cause discomfort, and minimal pain sensations appear.

An experienced specialist will conduct an examination, prescribe all the necessary tests and will be able to come to a conclusion that will determine the next plan of action.

You can learn more about the cases in which consultation of a dermatologist and cosmetologist is necessary in our video.

Diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms on the skin

Any examination of the skin begins with its visual inspection. The doctor carefully examines the color and structure of the skin, as well as the formations that bother the patient.

Dermatoscopy is one of the most effective methods of diagnosing skin lesions. A timely examination can help determine the nature of the disease at an early stage of formation. If education has a negative impact on a person’s health, the chances of successfully getting rid of it will be much higher than when it is diagnosed in the late stages.

Dermatoscopy is performed with the help of a special device (dermatoscope), which allows you to significantly zoom in and enlarge the neoplasm. Thus, the doctor can really carefully examine any neoplasm on each skin of a person.

Indications for dermatoscopy:
◼   regular examination every six months for people with a large number of relatives and fair skin. Those who live in regions with a hot climate and a high level of solar activity should take such examinations especially seriously;
◼   hereditary predisposition to oncological diseases;
◼   the presence of diseases of the thyroid or pancreas, gastrointestinal tract,
◼   traumatization of the family, violation of its integrity.

Diagnosis and treatment of neoplasms on the skin

If the formation on the skin has a benign character, its treatment in most cases consists in removal. There are several methods of removing neoplasms in modern medicine:
◼   Laser removal is a modern method of removal in a new way which consists in cauterization formed by a laser. When newly formed skin is removed with a laser, the area around it is minimally damaged, which allows you to achieve a very neat result. Laser removal of newly formed skin is possible if there are warts, papillomas, seborrheic keratoma and other types of formation on the body. The procedure is affordable and relatively painless, so it is often used by various patients.
◼   Cryodestruction – removal with liquid nitrogen is another method of getting rid of the formation on the skin. The procedure is carried out using liquid nitrogen freezing (temperature -196°C). The method is painless and does not leave any scars on the skin. It is used to remove warts, papillomas, warts, seborrheic keratomas, calluses.
◼   Radio wave method – removal is performed with the help of high frequency radio waves. Removal by the radio wave method is carried out under local anesthesia, and therefore the procedure is absolutely painless and comfortable, with minimal damage to the skin adjacent to the area of the neoplasm. The radio wave method allows you to remove birthmarks, nevi, viral warts, hemangiomas and other types of formation.

The Clinic of Aesthetic Medicine and Dermatology Esteva Clinic is ready to help you remove unwanted, benign, formed skin. At an individual consultation, a cosmetologist will choose the ideal option for your specific situation, perform the removal and tell you how to take care of your skin in the future.

You can find out more about how the removal of newly formed skin takes place at Esteva Clinic in our video.

Prevention of neoplasms on the skin

Different types of benign skin neoplasms can not only be removed, but also prevent their appearance. In order for new formations not to appear on the skin, and the nature of existing ones to remain benign, it is necessary to adhere to some simple rules.

Once every 6-12 months, he undergoes a routine dermatoscopy. The frequency of the examination depends on the color of the skin, which will be determined by the doctor during a personal examination.

Prevention of neoplasms on the skin

The main rule for preventing skin problems is to protect it from the aggressive effects of sunlight. In order to maintain the best possible skin condition, you must:
◼   avoid being outside during the period of increased solar activity (from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.). It is necessary to do this at least during the hot periods of the year, when the activity of the sun is especially high;
◼   if it is impossible to avoid being under direct sunlight, then it is necessary to protect your body with the help of clothing. Use long-sleeved shirts, pants, wide-brimmed hats, and sunglasses;
◼   all exposed areas of the skin must be protected with a cream with an SPF factor of 30 or more. Apply the product 20-30 minutes before going outside and renew it every 2 hours. Modern cosmetologists strongly advise to do this at any time of the day and protect open areas of the skin with cream even in winter;
◼   targeted tanning and use of a solarium is not the best way to preserve the youth and beauty of the skin. If you do not want to give up tanning completely, then at least take sun baths at a time that is safer for the skin (morning and evening).

SPF, protect skin

Follow these simple tips, follow your lifestyle and daily care to keep your skin healthy and young for as long as possible.

And if you need an individual consultation on the removal of newly formed skin – specialists at Esteva Clinic will be happy to answer all your questions!

Видалення доброякісних новоутворень

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