Wrinkles on the neck

The appearance of wrinkles on the neck is one of the most common signs of aging. In their nature, they are no different from wrinkles that you can observe around the mouth, eyes, on the hands or on the forehead. Such folds appear in places where the neck muscle (platysma) is woven into the skin. Depending on muscle strength and individual anatomical features, wrinkles on the neck may appear early and even in childhood.

Wrinkles on the neck

In this article, we will tell you in detail what to do with the appearance of such age-related changes and which cosmetology procedures most effectively remove wrinkles on the neck. You can find out the current prices for the most effective procedures against neck wrinkles at the end of this article.

What to do if wrinkles appear on the neck

Wrinkles on the neck, also called “Rings of Venus”, can appear for many reasons. The most common of them include:
◼   genetic predisposition, namely the structure of the musculoskeletal system, the tendency to stoop and scoliosis, etc.;
◼   people who have thin skin with low density are more prone to early aging of the skin;
◼   insufficient or no care of the neck skin also plays an important role in the formation of horizontal folds;
◼   frequent and prolonged exposure to the sun without using products with SPF accelerates the skin aging process;
◼   sedentary lifestyle and lowered head, for example, when working at the computer or using the phone (which is especially relevant in the digital era), accelerates the formation of the rings of Venus;
◼   dehydration, unbalanced nutrition, lack of sleep and constant stress – all this wears out the body and, in turn, deteriorates the quality of the skin.

If you began to notice that deeper and deeper horizontal wrinkles appear on your neck, then you should pay attention to your lifestyle, and also make an appointment with a cosmetologist. At an individual meeting, the doctor will carefully study the condition of your skin and draw up an optimal plan of action.

Is it possible to remove wrinkles on the neck

Although the appearance of wrinkles on the neck is an inevitable process, there are cosmetic procedures that can quickly and without surgery help to smooth out the creases that have formed.

How to quickly remove wrinkles on the neck

In order to quickly and effectively eliminate wrinkles on the neck, it is necessary to contact qualified specialists. Doctors with many years of experience work at the Esteva aesthetic medicine clinic. And the clinic itself has been helping to solve various cosmetology problems for men and women since 2015.

Wrinkles on the neck

It is important to understand that only salon procedures can significantly and in a short time improve the condition of the skin and provide a noticeable rejuvenating effect. In a situation where the neck has already changed under the influence of age factors or due to the influence of the environment, home methods and cosmetics will no longer have a significant positive effect on the condition of the skin.

How to remove the rings of Venus: the best procedures

Aesthetic medicine can offer a choice of various cosmetology procedures that help remove wrinkles on the neck. At Esteva Clinic, only proven methods are used, thanks to which skin tightening is performed with maximum efficiency.

◼   Injections of botulinum toxin

This is the most commonly used method to remove wrinkles on the neck. This method of injection cosmetology is loved for the speed of the effect and the effectiveness of the procedure.

The pronounced effect is achieved due to the selective blocking of muscle fibers involved in the process of wrinkle formation. The result is a beautiful and toned neck without visible age markschanges.

The effect of one session lasts up to 9 months, then the procedure can be repeated again.

We talked about how the technique works and to whom it is best suited in our video.


SMAS lifting

Today there is no more effective method of skin tightening without surgery than SMAS lifting. The lifting effect is provided by tightening the skin and stimulating the production of collagen. Relief from horizontal wrinkles is to a greater extent an additional result of the procedure. It is mainly used for comprehensive rejuvenation and lifting of the face and neck.

The procedure itself is relatively comfortable, and there is no rehabilitation period after SMAS lifting.

The effect of the procedure lasts from 12 to 18 months, therefore, to maintain skin tone, it is recommended to perform SMAS once a year.

You can see the effect of quick lifting without surgery in the video.


Microneedle RF lifting

The main task of the procedure is to strengthen tissues and stimulate the synthesis of own collagen. When age-related changes appear on the skin, microneedle lifting will help to achieve a visible rejuvenation effect, as well as improve the overall condition of the skin and even out the relief.

Since microneedles are used for the procedure, slight redness of the skin is observed after the procedure. The face returns to normal in a few days. Such skin care is recommended to be carried out in courses – 3 times with an interval of a month.

In the video, we talked about the procedure in more detail and showed how it is performed in our aesthetic medicine clinic.



Although the laser is a very popular and sought-after procedure, serious skin tightening is not performed with this technique. The laser helps with other skin problems (for example, as an anti-acne treatment) and is also used to improve the overall condition of the skin.

If you still decided to supplement antiaging procedures with laser techniques, then the experienced doctors of the Esteva aesthetic medicine clinic will select the optimal frequency for you. The rejuvenating effect of the laser course lasts an average of 7 to 9 months.

◼   Filling wrinkles with filler

Replenishment of the lost volume in the skin with the help of hyaluronic acid and other drugs is a very popular procedure today. This method is suitable for fighting, first of all, with deep wrinkles on the neck. The gold standard for this area is Bolotero Soft – this soft filler is unique in that it has the ability to “push out” wrinkles from the inside.

The use of the drug has an immediate result and the effect will be noticeable already 7 days after the first procedure. As a rule, one or two procedures are enough. The effect of such a course lasts for about 6 months.

To learn more interesting information about the procedure, we recommend watching our short video.


Radiess injections

The powerful collagen-stimulating filler works in 2 stages. At first, the drug fills and smoothes out the wrinkle with its volume, and after 2 months after administration, the skin begins to strengthen due to the new collagen produced in the body. As a result, thanks to the drug, wrinkles on the neck are smoothed out, and the skin itself becomes tighter and healthier.

Radies is used in a course of 3 procedures with an interval of half a year. The result from the filler lastsup to 1.5 years.


The procedure is carried out using preparations with a high content of hyaluronic acid. Biorevitalization is an alternative to fillers, and the essence of the procedure is to fill the space between the muscle and the skin.

It is recommended to undergo the procedure in a course of 3 visits to a cosmetologist once a month. The effect will last for 7-9 months.

We talked about biorevitalization in more detail in our video.


Prevention of neck folds

Although signing up for one of the procedures described above is undoubtedly the right decision in the fight against neck wrinkles, you should not forget the importance of daily habits and care.

In order to slow down the appearance of wrinkles on the neck, you must follow some rules:

◼   It is important to follow posture how during sedentary work, as well as while resting or walking. The back should be straight, and the chin should be fixed to it at a right angle. This may seem like an extremely difficult task, however, as soon as this position of the body becomes a habit, you will stop even paying attention to it.

Wrinkles on the neck

◼   Physical activity not only improves the general condition of the body and protects it from diseases and premature aging. Regular exercise also helps strengthen all the muscles in the body, which means that keeping your back and head straight will be much easier.

◼   Skin care at home should meet the needs of the body and age. If you have problems with the selection of cosmetics, seek help from a cosmetologist who will adjust your care.

Do you have any questions? Sign up for an individual consultation using the “Contact us” or “Contact button” buttons. Esteva Clinic specialists will help you get rid of neck wrinkles in just a couple of visits to the clinic!

Prices for neck rejuvenation procedures

Below you can find current prices and current promotions for Esteva Clinic anti-wrinkle neck treatments.

Корекція зморшок на шиї

Назва процедуриЦіна, грн
Ін'єкції ботулотоксину


СМАС ліфтинг шиї (Ультраформер)


Мікроголковий РФ ліфтинг шиї


Лазерне шліфування шиї


Контурна пластика препаратом Радієс (Radiesse)

ПрепаратЦіна, грн
Radiesse Merz (США) Волюмізація, ліфтинг 1,5 ml


Radiesse Merz (США) Волюмізація, ліфтинг 3 ml


Контурна пластика заповнення зморшок

ПрепаратЦіна, грн
Belotero Soft Merz (Німеччина)


Belotero Balance Merz (Німеччина)



Найменування препарату гіалуронової кислотиЦіна, грн
Jalupro HMW (Італія) (1 шприц) 2,5 мл


Juvederm Volite (США) (1 шприц) 1мл


Teosyal Redensity (Швейцарія) (1 шприц) 1мл


Belotero Hydro (Німеччина) (1 шприц) 1 мл4700
Belotero Revive (Німеччина) (1 шприц) 1 мл4900
Redensity 1 (Швейцарія) (1 шприц) 1мл5400
Corebanic (Корбанік) ABG LAB (США) (1 шприц) 2 мл


Mesosculpt C71 (Мезоскальпт) (1 шприц) 1мл