Botulotoxins: the whole truth

Wrinkle injections are one of the most popular and sought-after procedures in the arsenal of modern cosmetologists. The effect of botulinum toxin is really impressive – quick and affordable injections help to get rid of dynamic wrinkles and prevent their appearance.

Therefore, many people are interested in the question of how botulinum toxin is used in cosmetology and what risks the procedure carries. In this article, we will talk in detail about botulinum toxin injections and what to expect when signing up for such a procedure at Esteva Clinic’s aesthetic medicine and cosmetology clinic.

What is botulinum toxin

Botulotoxin is an injectable drug that is extracted from the bacteria Clostridium botulinum (the bacteria that causes botulism). Due to its features, the toxin is capable of weakening and paralyzing skeletal muscles. It is this action of the substance that interested doctors working in the field of aesthetic medicine. The toxin has been widely used to solve medical problems associated with muscle contraction. The drug has come a long way before it became widely used in almost any center of aesthetic medicine for the purpose of eliminating wrinkles.

How botulism toxin got into cosmetology

Doctors became interested in botulinum toxin at the beginning of the 20th century. However, botulinum toxins began to be used directly in medical practice only in the 70s. It is believed that ophthalmologist Alan Scott was the first to use the substance in his medical practice. He injected microdoses of the drug into the orbital area to treat blepharospasm. Subsequently, the doctor studied botulinum toxin for its effect on other diseases – nystagmus, hemifacial spasm, spastic torticollis, and even leg diseases.

At first, botulinum toxin was used exclusively for medical purposes, but later it became widely used to combat age-related changes in the face. The drugs are based on botulism toxin and today are widely used for medical purposes to solve problems of various complexity. However, now with the help of such injections you can not only get rid of various pain syndromes in the body and relieve migraines, but also smooth facial wrinkles.

Scope of botulinum toxin

The correct use of drugs with botulinum toxin type A helps to effectively and safely eliminate various cosmetic nuances. It is recommended to use botulinum toxin to solve the following aesthetic problems:

  • correction of horizontal forehead wrinkles;
  • elimination of interbrow wrinkles;
  • smoothing facial wrinkles in the upper third of the face;
  • smoothing of “crow’s feet” (wrinkles that form in the corners of the eyes).

Also, after a botulinum toxin injection, the activity of the sweat glands decreases. Therefore, injections are widely used for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. weight: 400;”> (increased sweating) in both women and men of different ages.

Are there alternatives to botulinum toxin

Since botulinum toxin works quickly and efficiently, this technique is the most successful in combating facial wrinkles. However, not all people agree to the injection procedure due to individual intolerance to the substance or other contraindications.

For such patients, there are both injectable and hardware alternatives that can help slow down age-related facial changes:

  • contour plastic (wrinkle filling) – the use of fillers based on hyaluronic acid works well when wrinkles have become glisideways and botulinum toxin is already ineffective. Then the wrinkles are filled and this procedure is called blanching.
  • microneedle RF lifting – a hardware technique that has a positive effect on the synthesis of collagen and elastin fibers. Such an action helps to fight the lowering of the face, the overhang of the upper eyelid, and smooths out small wrinkles.
  • SMAS-lifting – a highly effective hardware procedure that helps tighten the face without surgical intervention. Although the main result of using the technique is lifting itself, SMAS also helps to smooth out wrinkles (nasolabial folds, wrinkles around the mouth, eyes, etc.).
  • biorevitalization – injections based on hyaluronic acid help to fill the lack of moisture in the skin, which leads to the smoothing of wrinkles and restoration of the natural protective functions of the skin. In combination with other procedures (for example, with laser grinding) biorevitalization can smooth out even very deep wrinkles.

It should be understood that the procedures listed above do not directly affect the facial muscles. Most of them are aimed at the surface of the skin. Only botulinum toxin injections act on the immediate cause of facial wrinkles.

At what age to do botox injections

Although preparations based on botulinum toxin are used for various medical purposes, even for children, there are certain limitations in aesthetic cosmetology. In order to sign up for a procedure to eliminate or prevent facial wrinkles, you must be 18 years of age.

The technique itself shows its effectiveness on patients of various ages and is mainly used starting from 25 years of age. Depending on the age at which botulinum toxin is used, the effect of the procedure will differ:

  • at the age of 20-25 people rarely ask for wrinkle removal, because the skin at this age is still very elastic However, in some situations, wrinkles may appear already in youth, for example, due to mobile facial expressions or from constant squinting of the eyes. In this case, injections allow you to get rid of existing wrinkles, as well as prevent the appearance of new ones in those places where it is most likely;
  • at the age of 30 already the first visible wrinkles begin to appear in the upper third of the face and near the lips, even in people with with a calm facial expression. For patients in this category, Botox helps to hide age-related changes and slow down the processes that have already started in the skin;
  • aged 40 years mimic wrinkles become more noticeable and already very deep static wrinkles are added to them. During this period, cosmetologists recommend adding fillers to botulinum toxin injections, as well as other injection and hardware procedures for a comprehensive fight against age-related changes. In addition, after 40 years, botulinum toxins are often used to combat baldness in women and men;
  • 50+ is the age when skin changes become visible to the naked eye. During this period of life, Botox can help smooth facial wrinkles on the forehead, around the eyes and mouth. Also, the drug helps to prevent sagging of the face and the formation of a blurred facial oval. In addition, to combat serious age-related changes, other procedures must be included, the complex of which is selected and adjusted by a cosmetologist.

It is necessary to understand that the older the patient is, the worse the effect of the procedures will be. This is due to the general aging of the body, which reduces the effect of Botox. Therefore, the best solution will be the prevention of age-related changes as early as possible with the help of a wide variety of modern cosmetology techniques, among which botulinum toxin injections occupy an important place.You can evaluate the results of injections from Esteva Clinic patients in the photo below.

Also, people of any of the listed age categories can use injections to combat increased sweating. The drug can be used to eliminate problems in the armpit area, as well as on the hands, feet, head and even the face.

Differences between drugs: what and how much to inject

Beauty injections can be performed using several drugs.

Production of the American company Allergan. A fashion trendsetter, which was released to the market in 1989, after which the technique became widely used in cosmetology. The drug is best suited for the first injection. It has an average strength of effect

Production of the French company Ipsen. Appeared on the market in 2009. A stronger drug that maintains its effect for 3-6 months. Suitable for patients with active facial expressions and for those who want to get a more stable and long-lasting result. Not suitable for people prone to swelling

Production of the German company Mertz. It is used for patients who want to preserve the mobility of facial expressions as much as possible. Injections of this drug are best at preventing the first wrinkles and can be used by people prone to swelling

A relatively new drug of Korean production, which has absorbed experience in the use and production of botulinum toxin. Like other botulinum toxins, it has been approved by the FDA and has been widely used worldwide since 2014. Suitable for patients with moderate mimicry activity, also widely used to combat hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). The drug is more affordable

All drugs are based on the same active substance – botulinum toxin. The differences lie in the transport proteins that deliver the key substance to the muscles.

All drugs are injected into mimic muscles and start to act on day 2-5. The maximum effect of the drug is achieved 2 weeks after the procedure. The duration of action of the drugs is slightly different – it can be from 3 to 6 months. However, these indicators are highly dependent on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Side effects of botulinum toxin

Antiaging procedures using botulinum toxin are a safe and long-established technique. Side effects can be caused by several factors:

  • ignoring contraindications;
  • use of a low-quality drug;
  • incorrect introduction of the toxin into the muscle (a larger amount of the drug, in the wrong muscles, incorrect depth of introduction, etc.).

As a result of improperly performing the procedure, the patient may experience unpleasant consequences – itching and swelling at the site of the procedure, pain in the area of ​​drug administration, facial drooping, etc.

However, all these unpleasant consequences can be avoided by discussing contraindications before the procedure. And also by choosing a proven clinic with a good reputation, which has been engaged in injection cosmetology for many years years Remember that saving on such procedures can have unpleasant consequences. Approach the choice of clinic and doctor as responsibly as possible!

Contraindications to botulinum toxin injections

In order not to experience side effects, it is necessary to check whether you have any contraindications to the use of the drug:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • presence of oncological diseases;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • pathology of the heart or blood vessels;
  • chronic diseases in the stage of exacerbation.

Before the procedure, the doctor will ask you about any health and well-being problems at the time of the procedure. It is your duty to honestly provide all the information necessary for the doctor.

How to choose an aesthetic medicine clinic for botulinum toxin injections

When signing up for any cosmetic procedure, it is important to study a potential clinic and find out a number of key points. A safe medical facility must meet the following criteria:

  • have a license to provide cosmetology procedures;
  • services must be provided under a contract that the patient studies and signs before starting the procedure;
  • all devices and drugs used for procedures must have certificates of originality and quality, as well as be operated and transported in accordance with all norms;
  • antiseptic rules must be strictly followed by all clinic employees at each stage of the procedure;
  • doctors who perform the procedure must have education and experience in the relevant field.

Do not be afraid to ask for documents and certificates that will confirm the requirements described above. A conscientious and reliable clinic will never refuse a comprehensive consultation to a potential or existing client.

You can see how the wrinkle injection procedure at Esteva Clinic works in our video.


Esthetic medicine and dermatology clinic Esteva Clinic meets all of the above requirements. If you want to reduce age-related changes in the skin, or prevent their appearance – use the “Contact us” or “Contact button” buttons in the lower right corner of the page.

We are waiting for you at Esteva Clinic!

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