7 reasons why you should choose Ultraformer

Among the non-surgical methods of lifting the skin of the face and body, SMAS lifting has rightly won a leading position. When performing this procedure, the effect on the skin occurs with the help of ultrasound, and unlike other options for non-surgical lifting, it allows you to work on the deeper layers of the skin.

During the operation of the device, the influence of ultrasound on the superficial muscle-aponeurotic system (Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System “SMAS”) allows you to achieve the effect of lifting the skin of the face.

Non-surgical lifting in Esteva Clinic

The musculo-aponeurotic system consists of elastin and collagen fibers that line the muscles, creating a kind of framework. But over time, this framework loses its functionality, leading to the sagging of some areas of the face and the appearance of a second chin, drooping eyelids, cheeks, eyebrows and other age-related changes.

To eliminate such defects, it is necessary to reduce the volume and tighten the muscle-aponeurotic layer (SMAS). Previously, this could only be done on the operating table under general anesthesia during facelift surgery. But now there is a possibility of non-surgical ultrasonic SMAS-lifting of all structures that are prone to aging.

For the first time, the device for ultrasonic SMAS lifting was developed back in 1999, and during its existence, the technology was used for more than a million patients around the world.

However, in 2015, the Korean company Classys, which produces medical equipment, introduced the world to the fourth generation of the device for SMAS lifting – “Ultraformer 3”, which eliminated all the shortcomings of its predecessors.

Ultraformer 3

Already next year, the Australian Agency for Therapeutic Goods and Services (TGA) approved a new device for SMAS lifting. Later, this device became widely used in cosmetology offices in France, Italy, Great Britain and other developed countries.

You can see how the Ultraformer 3 device works in our video.

There are 7 reasons why the Ultraformer is the most rational solution if you decide to perform a non-surgical SMAS lifting procedure for yourself.

1. Evidence base of the methodology

Ultraformer 3To date, 8 clinical studies have been conducted, in which more than 159 patients of different ages and with different degrees of expression of skin sagging of the face and body participated. Clinical studies of the effectiveness of Ultraformer III were conducted with the participation of patients in Italy, Korea, India, Poland, Germany and Australia. It is worth noting that some studies confirmed that the result of using the device was not inferior to the already well-studied Ulthera (Ulthera Systems).

2. Not only the face

Non-surgical body lifting in Esteva ClinicIn Ultraformer III, in addition to microfocused ultrasound, which we already know from the Altera device, a new technology is implemented, namely macrofocused ultrasound impact, which allows ultrasound to penetrate to a depth of 17 mm. This means that now, non-surgical lifting of not only the face, but also other parts of the body is available to you. In addition to skin tightening, it allows you to achieve lipolysis in the areas of “fat traps” (second chin, areas on the inner surface of the arms and thighs, in the area of the armpits, sides on the stomach and back, as well as above the knees). Today, there are no analogues that would provide such a depth of penetration. With the appearance of Ultraformer 3, you can afford to improve the condition of not only your face, but also your body.

3. Certified and original equipment

Ultraformer 3 Ultraformer 3 is an original device, unlike Chinese analogues (they usually imitate another reputable manufacturer, Ulthera Systems). The effectiveness and safety of such devices are NOT CONFIRMED in clinical studies.

Ultraformer III has all the necessary quality certificates and meets the safety requirements for equipment of this class. Thanks to a significant evidence base, the use of the device is approved by the regulatory authorities of the USA (FDA), Australia (TGA), EC (Europe CE), Korea (Korean FDA) and Singapore (HSA).

The use of Ultraformer, which is approved by authoritative certification bodies, allows you to get really impressive results of rejuvenation without surgery. At the same time, procedures performed on imitation devices significantly increase the risk of unsatisfactory results and side effects.

4. High speed of operation

Ultraformer 3One of the “features” of the device for SMAS lifting Ultraformer is that it has a high speed of operation. This significantly reduces the time of the procedure. The high speed of the device brings us to the next advantage of the device …

5. Much less discomfort and pain

Non-surgical lifting in Esteva ClinicAs already mentioned in the previous paragraph, the duration of the SMAS lifting procedure is much shorter, which creates less discomfort and pain in the patient. On the global market, the manufacturer positions Ultraformer 3 as a high-speed, painless skin tightening device.

6. Fewer adverse reactions

Non-surgical lifting in Esteva ClinicYes, high speed of operation means not only precious time and less discomfort, but also less unwanted side reactions. According to the data of the conducted clinical studies, the use of Ultraformer was accompanied by a very low frequency of undesirable reactions. Such an effect and how pain, swelling, redness passed on their own without requiring special care for several weeks after the procedure

7. Cost of the procedure

An important factor when choosing a lifting method is its availability. Ultraformer III is a truly innovative technology that allows you to perform the procedure at a reasonable cost. Such a small price is due to the lower cost of the procedure compared to other devices for SMAS lifting.

You can study the cost of the procedure in the table below.

What else you need to know about Ultraformer 3

Everything is clear with the advantages of Ultraformer. Does it have any disadvantages?

Some experts attribute the lack of a screen on which the structures of the face under the skin are shown to the weaknesses of the device’s technology. There is an opinion that this screen allows you to visualize the layer of the superficial muscle-aponeurotic system and work only on it. But how important it is to be able to influence at a certain depth remains open. The fact is that the Ultraformer in any case affects all possible variants of the occurrence of SMAS. Therefore, he will cope with his task in any case.

As for the opinion that “only visualization allows not to touch important vessels and nerves.” This statement is not entirely correct, since the face, in fact, is permeated with blood vessels, and no matter what the visualization is, the impulse will still pass through the vessels.

SMAS lifting in Esteva Clinic

As for nerve fibers, according to the protocol, the handle of the SMAS lifting device does not pass over the nerves anyway.

Therefore, Ultraformer is considered a worthy alternative to surgical intervention and is the most rational method for face lifting, brilliantly balancing the effectiveness, safety, comfort and cost of the procedure.

Lifting performed with the help of the Ultraformer device is considered one of the most popular among hardware cosmetology services. However, in any case, remember that only a doctor can assess whether this procedure is suitable for you, taking into account the nature of the indications and contraindications of the technique, as well as the condition of your body.

You can get all the comprehensive information about the technique in our article about SMAS lifting.

Ультразвуковий СМАС ліфтинг (Ultraformer III) обличчя

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